Dylan's school had a little morning celebration for Thanksgiving. It was so cute. All the boys had to wear brown and all the girls were to wear white. It took a little while for Dylan to get into it since his routine was thrown off a little bit by both Dave and I taking him to school. But, once he got into it, he enjoyed chowing down on the french toast sticks and juice.
This was Dylan refusing to wear his headpiece...

This is a quick pic while he has it on...

And, it's off again...

Every other kid sat down at the table like they were supposed to do...

FINALLY, he sat down. And, just in time for some delicious food...

And some pictures with mommy and daddy!

He even kept his hat on for a bit...

This one's the best...Attack those french toast sticks!

Once breakfast was over, Dylan was a little hesitant to go to the playground, but once he got there, he was ready to play and start his day!