Friday night we headed to the beach to have a picnic and enjoy the beautiful sunset. Dylan loved sitting on the blanket and eating his peanut butter and jelly sandwich. It was the perfect way to start a weekend.
Today was my brother's birthday and as I was reading my emails this morning I came across his wish list. It was perfet timing because he wanted to have a video of his niece and nephew together singing "Happy Birthday". Just so happened I was getting ready to head over and watch Callie play her soccer game. How convenient! So, although you can't really hear Dylan, here is our attempt at making his wish come true...
So, Dylan LOVES his flip-flops. So much so that we have to hide them and only offer them up when acceptable. The weekend is when that time comes around. And, Dave and I just love how he says flip-flop. We make him say it at least ten times before we actually put them on for him.
One weekend, we met our friend Cara and her mommy Cathy at the park. We wanted to go play and then have some delicious lunch. The park was beautiful, right on the water, so we also got to see some boats. We taught the kids a little about competition by racing down the slide... You do see who won, right??