Thursday, December 30, 2010

Pumpkin Patch 2010

I know it's totally out of order, but I forgot the pumpkin patch excursion.
So, we headed out to the same pumpkin patch we went to last year since we had such a great time.
Dylan took a look at some pumpkins...

But had more fun running up and down the empty aisles...

Some family shots...

Bo Gucs!!

With football season in full swing, Dylan got to hear a lot of cheering. We were trying to teach him to say, "Go Bucs!" It came out a little backwards, but we loved it so much it has really caught on...
And, we are hoping it provides us some luck to get into the playoffs.
Bo Gucs!!!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Thanksgiving Breakfast Celebration

Dylan's school had a little morning celebration for Thanksgiving. It was so cute. All the boys had to wear brown and all the girls were to wear white. It took a little while for Dylan to get into it since his routine was thrown off a little bit by both Dave and I taking him to school. But, once he got into it, he enjoyed chowing down on the french toast sticks and juice.
This was Dylan refusing to wear his headpiece...

This is a quick pic while he has it on...

And, it's off again...

Every other kid sat down at the table like they were supposed to do...

FINALLY, he sat down. And, just in time for some delicious food...

And some pictures with mommy and daddy!

He even kept his hat on for a bit...

This one's the best...Attack those french toast sticks!

Once breakfast was over, Dylan was a little hesitant to go to the playground, but once he got there, he was ready to play and start his day!

Monday, December 27, 2010

A Night Out for Mommy and Daddy!!!

Had a great night out celebrating our friend Ryan's birthday! We don't get out too much, so it was nice to spend time with lots of friends.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Halloween 2010

After Aunt Katie's birthday brunch we headed home for a nice rest before the evening festivities. Here are a couple shots of us trying to get him dressed, accessories and all...

Playing over at Joe and Colleen's...

Had everything ready...glowstick? check! sport buggy? check! pumpkin? check! We are ready to roll...even have a sippy cup just in case we get thirsty from all the traveling.

Riding didn't last long. Dylan wanted to show everyone he was a big boy too and could walk just like the big kids...

Monday, November 22, 2010

Aunt Katie's Halloween Birthday Brunch!

My little (not quite so little anymore) sister turned 23 in November! She loves Halloween and since her birthday is so close to the holiday, why not celebrate on that day? We headed to a really cute little restaurant in Gulfport called Pia's.(The food was DELICIOUS-highly recommend!) Some people even dressed in costume. Katie was a fancy witch and Dylan got to wear his doctor costume...

Katie was even nice enough to share some of her yummy dessert with her nephew who loved staring at the candle.

Dylan has a lot of love to share, so he enjoyed chasing around baby Sam and trying to hug and kiss him...

What a great way to start the Halloween day!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Wine and Food Festival at Epcot

We had a FABULOUS time at the wine and food festival in Orlando. We headed over on a Friday afternoon and met some friends with their children. We checked in at the Dolphin hotel and then went straight to Epcot.

Mexico was a blast...

Dylan had fun playing with Reagan and following Zach and Taylor around...

My boys...

Pictures of our hotel...

The next morning, we headed to the Disney Boardwalk for some bike riding and lunch...

Aren't they cute???