Saturday, January 22, 2011

Christmas Eve 2010

For Christmas Eve this year, Dave and I had both of our families over to our house for some food and the white elephant gift exchange. Dylan loves trying to blow bubbles.

Getting some guacamole with Bubbe...

Hanging out, snacking, and chatting...

The gift exchange...

There was quite a bit of trading at the end (even though some people didn't WANT to trade)

Dylan liked playing with the massager...

Dylan getting a little love from Aunt Kristin...

It really was a fun night! We had a blast and we were so happy to have everyone together.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

A Wedding on the Beach

Our friends Mike and Lindsey got married on Saint Pete Beach and we were lucky enough to be able to share in their special moment (We were even brave enough to bring Dylan along).
Got some shots on the beach...

The beautiful sunset...

The groom...

The bride...

Dylan was watching and participating in the dancing...

CONGRATULATIONS to the newlyweds! We wish you all the happiness in the world!

Another Trip to the Food and Wine Festival

We had so much fun the first time, we decided to go again. It was a little chilly, so you will see we had to dress warmly...

We stayed at the Dolphin again...

And waited for the boat to take us over to Epcot...

Looking forward to going back next year!

Turkey Day 2010

Dave woke up very early on Thanksgiving to go fishing, so Dylan and I enjoyed the morning in our jammies and watched the Macy's Day Parade (I did my best to keep him interested and point out cool things).
This was one of the moments where he was really into it...

We also headed to the park to play for a bit...

Then had a little grub before heading to Grandma and Pop Pop's house...

We took some family photos in their backyard (Notice the cups Dylan is holding? Those were not props! He would not put them down. He was determined to have them in the pictures too!)

Dave thinks he's funny...

We were lucky enough to have Aunt Samma visiting all the way from Houston, so we got some quality time with her!

Not quite sure if my battery died or what, but for some reason I have no dinner pictures! We did actually eat a delicious turkey dinner, I promise.